
Your personalized real estate investment tool

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash


From GDP Data and Unemployment Rates to Interest Rates and Property Taxes, we have access to data at our fingertips. All of these variables and more interact in complex ways to determine the true price of a real estate asset. Why then are we not harnessing the power of data to make informed decisions in the Real Estate Market?


The challenge comes from having to spend time, money and effort to gather all the required data. Most data that's available from trusted sources are free but not available at the level of granularity we're looking for. Some data requires us to pay for it and we've to often spend considerable amount of time cleaning and gathering the right data.


Because Real Estate investment decisions rank high in risk and reward, balancing the Risk and Reward is very important to maximize your Return on Investment. This can be achieved by drawing insightful information from the data that's out there.
Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash

Realytics is a Data Analytics based tool that'll help narrow down your search for the perfect investment opportunity down to a zip code level. We collect data on housing prices, building permits, unemployment data, crime blotter and school ratings to create a personalized index that you can use to determine your ideal region to invest in by weighing these parameters according to your requirements. Once the weights have been set by you, we provide you with an easy to interpret Heat Map of Pittsburgh and also show you the trends in the parameters selected for your top 5 zip codes.

Why should you invest now?

Looking at the Unemployment Rates for all the major Counties around Pittsburgh, we can easily see that the unemployment rates in Allegheny County are very low. This tells us that the economy is doing well and that the people have a lot of purchasing power. This is a good proxy suggesting that the Return on Investments would be high for investments in Allegheny County, whether you are a residential user looking to buy a house to love or sell for profit, a commercial developer trying to build and sell apartment complexes or even a restaurant or small business owner looking to start a shop in a new location.

Data & Methodology

Realytics collects data on Median House Prices for the current month from Zillow, Building Permits for the past 6 months & Crime Blotter data for the past 30 days from Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center, School Rankings from Niche. All these parameters are scaled using the Min-Max scaling method so that they all range from 0-1. This is done so as to not skew the results in favor of parameters with large values like Building Permit values which go up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The combined index is calculated as shown below:

The indexes are explained below:
House Price Index- Used to control the weight of median house prices. A higher value would favor a zip code with higher house prices.
Permit Index- Used to control the weight of building permits in a zip code. A higher value would favor a zip code with a higher total value of building permits over the last 6 months.
Negative Crime Index- Used to control the weight of crimes reported in a zip code. A higher value would favor a zip code with a lower crime rate over the last 30 days.
School Index- Used to control the weight of school ratings in a zip code. A higher value would favor a zip code with a higher school rating.

The final calculated value of the Realytics Index shows how much a certain zip code is valued over another. High values of the Realytics Index are shown in red/dark orange colors on the heat map.

Residential User

A potential home buyer/owner might be looking at House prices across all Zipcodes and the Crime rates in the neighbourhood that he’s willing to invest in. A higher price and lower crime rate might indicate a higher growth rate, but he/she/they would be more concerned with house prices than Crime Rates. Usually School Ratings are also important for a residential user and hence the house prices are given a weight of 50%, School Rating a weight of 30% and Crime Rate 20% to come up with the following map.

Commercial Developer

A commercial developer or apartment complex developer might be more interested in the areas that’re booming with a high value of Building Permits as they are an indicator of the economic health of a region. They would also be concerned with the Median House Prices in the region as they won’t be able to sell their office spaces/apartments at a rate way higher than the existing rates in the neighbourhood. Hence the Building Permits and Median House prices are weighted at 55% and 40% respectively along with a 5% weight for Negative Crime Index.

Restaurant/Small Business Owner

A restaurant or small business owner on the other hand would be concerned about all 3 factors. They would want to invest in an area that’s booming(meaning medium to high home prices), easy to obtain permits to operate their business and has a low crime rate so that they get more traffic/customers in their business. Based on these concerns a weight of 30% has been asigned to building permits, 40% to House prices and 30% to the Crime Index as shown below.

All Power to You

All of the graphs shown above are completely under your control. To vary the parameters based on your preferences, just slide the index bars to the right of the heat map and all the visualizations will be updated based on your demand. Another fully adaptive dashboard with all 4 elements - house prices, building permits, crime data and school rating- is shown below. This is in case you're interested in looking at every variable instead of a subset of the variables. The data sources and the Excel sheet where all the features are scaled and the value calculated is also provided in the Bibliography Section for your use.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

All in One Dashboard