Happiness Index : Does the variables of Happiness Index portray a holistic view ?

What is Happiness ?
Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.
What is Happiness Index ?
Happiness Index is defined as the weighted (by sampling weights) rate of respondents reporting “Very happy” or “Quite happy” less the weighted rate of respondents reporting “Not very happy” or “Not at all happy".
What contributes towards your Happiness Index ?

Is it booming Economy ?

Is it increasing Life Expectancy ?

Is it Freedom ?

Is it Family ?

Is it Generosity ?

Or is it Trust ?

Photo by Ehteshamul Haque Adit on Unsplash
Photo by Ehteshamul Haque Adit on Unsplash

Happiness Index is the sum total of all the above mentioned variables
Happiness vs Pandemic : A Case Study

Happiness Index has been increasing since 2019 despite the ongoing pandemic
LETS INVESTIGATE IF the Happiness Indices really portrayed the actual picture during COVID?
Variable #1 - Economy
"On March 16 the Dow Jones plummeted nearly 3,000 points to close at 20,188, losing 12.9%. The drop in stock prices was so massive that the New York Stock Exchange suspended trading several times during those days."
Forbes - 11th February 2021
Variable #2 - Life Expectancy
"Between the beginning of January 2020 and November 24, 2021, of the 773,812 deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States, around 204,973 had occurred among those aged 85 years and older. This statistic shows the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) deaths in the U.S. from January 2020 to November 2021, by age."
Statista - 26th November 2021
Variable #3 - Freedom
"More than 3.9 billion people, or half of the world's population, have now been asked or ordered to stay at home by their governments to prevent the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus."
Euro News - 3rd April 2020
Variable #4 - Family
"During Covid-19, domestic violence cases have spiked across the United States. 911 dispatchers have reported 7.5% more calls related to domestic violence disputes."
Forbes News - 13th October 2021
Variable #5 - Generosity
"World Bank estimates that the pandemic will push between 119 and 124 million people into extreme poverty around the globe in 2020."
World Bank - 21st January 2021
Variable #6 - Trust
"Only 51% of citizens trusted their government in 2020."
OECD - 21st October 2020

This goes on to imply that :
“COVID disrupted all our lives. The ECONOMY was staggered, people LOST their loved ones, our FREEDOM was revoked, internal FAMILY disputes took a spike, more than 1/3rds of the world became less GENEROUS & lost TRUST in the society, the government, even their own beliefs”
Happiest Countries also have the highest deaths during COVID
Top 5 Countries that were ranked with highest happiness score in 2020 also have the highest COVID death rates.
Is Happiness Index really capturing the true happiness ?
What do you think ?
Comparing Happiness Index during COVID pandemic in this study has shown false image of happiness.
This answers my hypothesis : NONE OF THE HAPPINESS INDEX VARIABLES portrays a holistic view.

1. Sign the petition to expand the variables of Happiness Index. As you might have gauged measuring happiness isn't a straightforward process and we would need variables covering all aspects of life to come to a real conclusion about a countries real happiness.
2. I personally would be starting an awareness campaign about socio-political events affecting Happiness Index.
3. Making the happiness index a more holistic will help this being a more universal measure for politicians across a world. This can be a variable for success of their political tenure.

1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/
2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lizfrazierpeck/2021/02/11/the-coronavirus-crash-of-2020-and-the-investing-lesson-it-taught-us/?sh=dae7a4d46cfc
3. https://blogs.worldbank.org/developmenttalk/too-young-die-age-and-death-covid-19-around-globe
4. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/718461634217653573/pdf/COVID-19-Age-Mortality-Curves-for-2020-Are-Flatter-in-Developing-Countries-Using-Both-Official-Death-Counts-and-Excess-Deaths.pdf
5. https://www.euronews.com/2020/04/02/coronavirus-in-europe-spain-s-death-toll-hits-10-000-after-record-950-new-deaths-in-24-hou
6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lakenbrooks/2021/10/13/domestic-violence-has-increased-during-covid-19-heres-how-to-create-a-quarantine-friendly-safety-plan/?sh=50dbdfc2b768
7. https://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/updated-estimates-impact-covid-19-global-poverty-turning-corner-pandemic-2021
8. https://www.oecd.org/gov/trust-in-government.htm